
The Most Beautiful Goddess Festival - Outing

2024-03-09 19:30

In this spring season, we welcome the Goddess Festival. On this special day, let us extend our highest respect and most sincere blessings to all beautiful goddesses! May you be healthy, beautiful, confident and strong! May you go further and further on the road of life and achieve your dreams! May your life be filled with sunshine and hope, and may every day be filled with happiness and joy! Happy Women’s Day, may your beauty and power bloom forever!

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Spring returns to the earth and everything revives! The outdoor outing organized by the company officially kicked off, let us go into nature together, relax our body and mind, and taste the beauty and harmony of nature together! During this trip, we not only challenged ourselves, but also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Zhangzhou and tasted Delicious delicious food and unforgettable memories.

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1. Zhangzhou Yundongyan

Known as the "No. 1 Cave in Southern Fujian", there are more than 40 large and small caves and more than 200 calligraphy inscriptions in various styles from past dynasties. Because there is a cave on the mountain, when it rains, the clouds and mist fly out of the cave. When the rain comes and the sky clears, the clouds and mist float back into the cave, so it is named Yundong Rock. As soon as we arrived at our destination, it began to rain lightly, but it did not affect our determination to climb to the top. Along the twists and turns of the path and the stacks of strange rocks, everyone supported each other, climbed the mountain gates one after another, and climbed the iron cable ladder. After a lot of hard work, we finally reached the top of Yundongyan. Standing on a high point and looking down, we had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of Zhangzhou city. The fresh air and pleasant scenery made people feel relaxed and happy. This climb not only exercised our physical fitness, but also taught us unity and persistence.

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2. Zhangzhou Ancient City

After descending from the mountain, we enjoyed a sumptuous feast of seabass and special salt chicken, and then drove to the historic ancient city of Zhangzhou. Visit the ancient city of Zhangzhou and taste Zhangzhou’s special snacks. While tasting the delicious food, we also learned about the history and culture of the ancient city of Zhangzhou and felt the profound heritage of this city.

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3. Zhangzhou Jinji Mountain

The last stop is Jinji Mountain, an ecological farm, where you can experience thrilling projects: water callenge park, rapid grass skiing, zipline, thrilling steps on the water, Internet celebrity bridge, etc. Every project is a brave challenge for everyone. Let’s encourage each other, come on, overcome fear, face challenges, and complete challenges! This experience not only gave us courage and confidence, but also deepened our friendship.

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During this day's itinerary, we not only enjoyed Zhangzhou's natural scenery, tasted authentic food, and experienced thrilling projects. This outing not only relaxed our body and mind, but also enhanced the relationship between colleagues. We believe that in the future work, everyone will be more united and collaborative, and contribute more to the development of the company.

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