
An outing is worth the spring time

2023-03-19 19:30

Dancing youth, charming team building. The 2023 team building kicked off at Xiaohuang Mountain: before the game started, everyone gathered in a circle, squeezed each other's shoulders, beat their backs, relaxed body and mind, and simply warmed up for the following activities. The activity breaks the unfamiliarity between everyone through group cooperation, chooses a team name, thinks of slogans, forms a formation, and sings the team song, so that everyone can improve their understanding of each other through teamwork to complete tasks.

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The collective luck ball cultivates the spirit of teamwork, trains the coordination of the body, and works together as a team, with one mind, and one goal. Poker sorting: It tests the team's communication skills and thinking mode. Through the activities, everyone also deeply felt the importance of cohesion. Only by uniting and cooperating can a group achieve ultimate success with the joint efforts of everyone.

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The sun is shining and the time is right. After finishing the morning team building and enjoying a delicious lunch, we drove to Changtai Tianzhu Mountain. Tianzhu Mountain Happy Ocean World is built on a green mountain. There are more than 300 species and tens of thousands of marine creatures swimming in it. Not only can you swim in the blue and mysterious ocean kingdom, but there are also wonderful dolphin performances, sea lion performances, feeding shows, etc. Featuring the "largest acrylic panel" underwater giant screen certified by Guinness World Records and a romantic Ferris wheel with a height of 88 meters, there are views everywhere you look.

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Youth never ends, happiness never ends. Each year has its own taste, each stop has its own scenery, flowers will bloom along the road, and so will the road ahead. Let us remember this wonderful time and look forward to our next meeting. Keep moving forward, and the future is promising!

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