
ICECON 2023 Annual Conference Ceremony

2024-02-01 19:30

As the past year draws to a close, we gather here to celebrate our achievements and growth. In the passage of time, we have witnessed countless wonderful moments together and written brilliant chapters together. Today, we gather together to spend this grand annual meeting, review the glory of the past year, and look forward to the infinite possibilities of the future.

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The chairman makes an annual summary speech. In the past year, the chairman has led us to overcome difficulties and continuously achieve new breakthroughs. His summary will provide us with valuable inspiration and guidance, helping us better understand the company's development direction and strategic planning.

Leaders of each department conduct year-end work reports, detailing their work results and lessons learned. Through their sharing, we will have a more comprehensive understanding of the company's operating status and future development plans.

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In today's meeting, we also specially arranged a speech session for outstanding employees. These employees are the pride of ICECON. They interpret the company's core values and spiritual outlook with their outstanding performance and outstanding achievements. Let us listen to their stories and feel their growth and progress.

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The theme of the annual meeting is "Chasing the light and encountering it, walking in the light". Light is hope, direction, and motivation for us to move forward. Chasing the light and meeting each other means that on the road to pursuing our dreams, there will always be a beam of light that illuminates the way forward. Walking in the light means that we should be grateful and walk more firmly on the road to pursuing success. Come to the light, follow the light, become the light, radiate the light.

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A series of well-planned programs are eye-catching, and various talent performances feast the audience's eyes. From passionate dances to humorous skits, from beautiful musical instruments to exciting singing performances, every program is full of unique charm and excitement.

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At this company commendation meeting, we awarded outstanding employee awards and outstanding contribution awards. These outstanding employees have made great contributions to the company's growth and development with their outstanding performance and unremitting efforts. We express our highest respect to them and look forward to them continuing to create a more brilliant future for the company.

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Follow the light and encounter it, walk in the light. Looking back on 2023, we have gone through the spring and autumn hand in hand, writing a glorious chapter of ICECON with sweat. Looking forward to 2024, let us continue to walk together, move forward courageously, and create a more brilliant future together!

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